Thursday, April 16, 2015


See my demure am I !  Innocence, ah but of course !

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson

DO you "have" FAITH ?  Hmmmmmm,  let's see if I can put this in a clear light as I recently
discovered.  FAITH  as well as  PEACE  &  REST,  PATIENCE,  TRUST,  they all are FORCES
powers that be,  all complete within themselves.  Since they do exist as such,   they cannot be "HAD".
They are "bigger" than  "LIFE"  itself or are indeed  "LIFE " itself,  ....   all rolled into ONE.

Again it ( they) stand all by themselves.    FAITH,  PEACE,  REST,  LOVE,  they make themselves known constantly.  LIFE'S  gifts to us are these.  You & I can rely on TRUST for instance,  it never let's us down,  because it always IS !  It's all powerful and never changes.   I can "access" ( not possess)  that power knowing how it (trust) works.   It's dependable !   So, believe it.......TRUST exists always will,  always.   Let it's character itself help you out,  we all need it.   I do,  everyday in every way.    "I CAN'T FEEL IT,  but I know it and therefore can move outside the realm of negativity,   based on the fact alone that somethings  ( faith,  trust,  love, peace, rest, patience)  will " NEVER"  let us down.

I can trust that FAITH is a substance, for instance,  and let FAITH go to work for me.   That's it's job.
Put it to work for you!  I depend on it.

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)....................................:)

Today's topic has indeed moved mountains for me.  I am a new creature!

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