Sunday, April 5, 2015



First of all this morning,  ah yes,  it's "EASTER",  a beautiful morning here in Glendale CA,  well,  so far.
I wake up "early" it's 1:30 a. m. right now.   At the dining table my friends say I'm crazy for getting up sometimes even before the birds.  I explain to them,  ah,  but I go to sleep at around 6:00 p.m.,  shortly after dinner. 

This blog/post is meant for thank you's.  In the recent months I have been writing on google+ URL : _ just bits & pieces and have been keeping up with my skills and enjoying having my thoughts put on "paper"....:)  So a big " thank you"  to them.  

Next a "thank you" to my followers and readers for looking up past blogs in the archives. There August 2014-January 2015 are these domains URL_,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com_ with numerous topics like "PREENING,"  ( a habit/practice from birth,  from our furry animal friends,   keeping " TOUCH"  in mind to prepare them for the real world)  and I have found extremely important to my well being,   more information regarding  "AUTHORIZATION"  in our own lives,  you may find this post helpful in your everyday existence regarding record keeping and not letting money matters,  business relationships,  etc. get out-of-hand,  other posts pertain to "SPIRITUALITY",  this is my favorite topic and you will find this has this biggest affect on me,   but they all tie in together....."HONEST" love & marriage (type of thing).  So  "THANKS"  again for staying in there, &  perhaps finding something new and something interesting pertaining to  LIFE,  real  LIFE_ it's newness and definitely not "business- as- usual".    Read more about  PEACE   &   REST  &  HAPPINESS   &  HEALTH  in the coming months here on blogger  "I SUPPORT LIFE"  &  "LIVING WORDS"  !  My new handle is

(_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................:)

by: Kat Carlson author/publisher

HAPPY EASTER......"happy EASTER-egg hunting!!!

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