Friday, April 3, 2015

My Days of "PEACE & HAPPINESS" in Vogue

                                      Once again gracing my posts/blogs is this sweet feline...
                                      Miss "Lily" herself_ "Precious kitty full of Life & Vitality"

                                            My Days of Peace & Happiness in Vogue

by Kat Carlson_ author/publisher for over 600 blogs/posts

Long gruesome days in the recent past months found me going head-to-head with the powers that be.
I found myself in the midst of a fear ridden world and also find it still thriving in agencies that proport
to be protecting our rights as citizens and also as residents of facilities ( Assisted Living, etc. ) designed to "HELP" us in our "time-of-need" ___OUR TWILIGHT YEARS!   People who are employed by our government in these agencies have no power in themselves & "cannot"  protect & serve "US".  The fantastic thing that saved me is "my  "peace & rest" within.  Having been tested and seeing me through ( and I DO mean "THROUGH" from having to supply anything myself above & apart from "resting" ) !  Mountains have been moved,  my own Life & Body & Soul having been recreated ( including the rebuilding of my spine, muscles, ligaments, nerve cells)!  The situation with these agencies designed to " protect & serve " are still pending and by and large will continue their
fraudulent reign ( Caring is our Main Concern) in the coming years and centuries because precious few will challenge them) !!  When you read this post/blog I hope you can "SEE" for yourselves where you are headed with your future and when you end up in one of these facilities for your "rest" let it be complete "REST" from within.

Chances are that with this kind of POWER inside you,  you may not have to enter one of these establishments.

( _A Wink & a Smile_)...................................:)

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