Saturday, April 18, 2015

SORRY,....NOT AVAILABLE.....please call......


OUR VERY OWN LILY is searching...............:)
KNOW WHAT,  EVERYONE ?  You won't guess what I discovered this 

morning,  YEP,  it's TRUE,  I called GOD'S OFFICE, & couldn't get through,  that's right ! The recording said, "If this is an " EMERGENCY"  you can call.....800-800-800 and SOMEONE THERE WILL BE ABLE TO HELP YOU !!   Seems also that this very same office (GOD'S) is referring me to another agency to complete the task at hand !   EVER HEAR OF "PASSING-THE-BUCK ?It IS in  VOGUE.........yes, indeed it is,....EVERYWHERE !!

NOW, with our very own GOD  following suit,  what on EARTH, will we DO  ?

Can't blame us,  every time we turn around, either our computer is (not responding) or down,  "can I put you on hold ( never waiting to find out if you want them to or not )"...or  "SORRY,  we'll be back in the office next business day)"  or   "I can't take your call, please leave a message"   or  ( better yet ),  ( "listen to the menu,  press #1 if,  & so on & so on "),....(can I talk to a human ?) .or there's always this, .. " I PRAYED  "A LOT" THIS WEEK FOR "SO  & SO"  ( more on this in another BLOG)
.....I just think we humans are getting a bad rap!!! 


STILL, a VERY satisfied customer !!  

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)...................:) 

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