Thursday, April 16, 2015


                        Me first this time....later a picture of Sweet Lily......the reason is this:

After a somewhat adventurous day traveling to Burbank, CA Rehab Center- visiting a friend!   I went by bus for the first time ever, that far away from my home in Glendale, CA _  (remind me to NOT do that again! )......back at home 6 1/2 hrs. later,  I fell fast asleep at 5:30p.m  ( my dinner time)_ (exhausted) and slept quite well awaking around 8:30 p.m.   Played some music,  "Kenny Rogers",   this time ,  caught up on email,  poured a fresh cup of coffee,  turned out the lights   (except for my mood lights)   and thought about my grueling day with moody bus drivers and my visit at a Burbank rehab !  Oh my,  sooooo  "many" sick people!

Nurses,  therapists,  doctors,  wheelchairs,  walkers,  stroke patients ( whimpering in silent despair ),
I dare say,  it was an eye opener.....and difficult to witness from my head and my heart.  Dedicated people serving others who will someday need that kind of attention/care themselves...and on it goes.

But I digress,  in the quietness ( oh yes, love the quietness),  I looked within for some answers of my own of a personal nature.  Hey,  I got some,  "answers" , that is !   Oh WOW !..  From WAY deep within,   came the "horrifying,"   but "accurate"  awareness that  "I"  caused my "own" pain originally,  long ago !   Along with this "knowledge" was the tears as well as the understanding  "LOVE" to heal and set straight my new-found awareness!   The awareness was  "I DID NOT"  know that I had done it,  and was immediately sorry and asked myself for forgiveness.  A moment that heals & frees me- to- be "ME" as I was meant to be,  all along.   So,... with this, ... I discovered the astounding fact,  when you accept the "blame" for your life's sorrow,  along with that ,.... you  "gain the freedom to accept credit"   for all that you have done and achieved in your life !!    It' s "BEAUTIFUL" thing !!!!!

KNOWING & experiencing,  personally,  "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE",  allowed ME to make this MOVE on my "chessboard" of LIFE !

"Thank you Lily for helping me feel the LOVE and spunk , sweetness and wit and cleverness, and mischievousness that you possess!"

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson,,, ( Word Press ), ( Archives)  Google+

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................:)

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