Sunday, April 26, 2015


Yep,....Lily "IS" a feature image for this blog ........:)

by:_Kat ( Mary ) Carlson....* author/publisher

I have become intimately "aware" that organizations,  institutions,  businesses, * government agencies
policy makers,  everywhere do NOT "have it together."    Most,  at best,  "go to work",  "fill out the necessary paper work",  follow rules (guidelines) set up by other people who go to work,  do the necessary paper
work,  file " & " follow rules ( guidelines) set up by "AGAIN,"_ "other people who"....and so on down the line.  If you follow the  NEWS,  POLITICS, and all the inner workings of our "WORLD'S SYSTEM", ( including HEALTH CARE AGENCIES....YIKES! )
you have already discovered,  " NO ONE'S MINDING THE STORE", other words,  NOTHING actually gets to the point where important issues get "CHANGED",  at least not for the better for the "GREATER" good!   Not to the point of "putting-an-END",  ( period ) at the end of the sentence!  For
THAT "matter",  what exactly "IS" _ "THE GREATER GOOD" ??......
The  "POWER"  to affect that particular kind of change isn't within them.  So chaos and disorder, covering up and FEAR   .."rules"... to the point that more of the same ensues.   It's a "PITY",  folks !
"LAW"  begets more  "LAW"   and so for and so forth.   On and on it goes and _ WHERE/ WHEN " WILL"_ it stop ?   " ORDER"......IS there ANY ?   (Other than more of the same?)   NO,  I don't believe our world system " HAS"  the  "ANSWER"  folks,  do you?   But _ we "DO"  have more "CONFUSION"  ,  right ?

MOST of us thinking FOLKS  have/are  learning to "TRUST"  "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" !    It's "mighty _  powerful  " FORCE"  capable of handling  " ALL "   that we need in this world !

( _ A Wink & a Smile _ )................................:)

Kat (Mary) Carlson,,  (all in ..Archives _ 10/14 - 1/15) ,  Google+
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