Thursday, April 9, 2015


She's a LOVE, my Lily, too cute !
Since this site is new.....I decided to feature a new picture of me ( a selfie) in my home in Glendale, CA   

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson

Ah food ! The industry does a H-U-G-E business,  I dare say !  The markets are busy stocking every kind of food available.  I personally like the produce department.  My favorites are blueberries,  bananas,  squash, ( yellows & greens),  mushrooms ( excellent nutrition),  avocados !  In other aisles,
I pick up beans to cook.  Black-eyed peas,  lentils,  black beans, & some pastas. I will add here that when you serve beans, take care to consume something along the lines of tortillas, or rice.  The addition of these carbs,  produce what your body needs to make a complete protein breakdown in your body when serving beans.  I also keep salsa on hand to add to a variety of things.  Cheese is something I buy occasionally.

In 2011,  I decided to go on a diet and lose weight,  because I was 50 lbs overweight.  I was not at all happy with certain bulges around the middle.  Living in an Assisted Living facility I had to be creative.
I did it !  I lost those 50 lbs in less than 10 months,  very slowly,  I was NOT in any hurry and was successful, being care-ful to let myself be patient and not place unnecessary demands on me,  like I didn't even know from the beginning, how much I wanted to lose or how long it would be.   Just didn't care,  but trusted myself to do it!  4 years later, those 50 lbs have stayed off ,  happy to say!   ( If anyone wants a copy of the diet I published in AARP,  it is available.) ( it's called EASY DIETING & SENIOR LIVING) can reach me by email. But I digress., one of the helpful things about being healthy is not clogging up my arteries with meats,  occasionally I eat chicken & fish!  But I think eating the FRESHEST FOODS are always the BEST.  Keep juices, natural ( not too many others- lots of sugar) and water always down the hatch!

Maybe you want to cut down on calories and also need to "improve your health",  get into the habit of
visiting produce stands, and preparing foods that really are better and cheaper as well.  FRESH IS BEST !!!   I will feature more blogs on along these lines and include snacks that I enjoy,  also soups I make and serve friends.

Thank you everyone !    

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................:),,  Wordpress..
archives August 2014 - January  2015 & Facebook & Twitter

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