Monday, April 27, 2015


It's because of this little kitty..."Lily" that I got started in my real life & writing these happy blogs ..."happy" for me.  And of course, its entitled lily makes me "smile"....& does she ever?

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson

This a.m. & very, very early on.....I began to plan on my "MOVE" to Ojai, California this Friday,  May day !.....yep, that was one of my favorite days in grade school ( Fairview..(Richmond, Indiana)
We danced the May Pole dance and it was "fantastic"...oh what a good memory.!   I can still see & feel the excitement.  The paper mache'  "streamers" were exquisitely colorful,   so many beautiful colors woven around the May pole by each of us who participated.   Now, we got to really dress up in beautiful pastel colored skirts and white peasant blouses.  It's entirely possible that one of you followers experienced the same kind of childhood experience and are grateful to this day.  I know I am.!!

So, back to my MOVE again, to another place of extremely happy memories.  Ojai, is a place you "HAVE" to experience.*  See my blog "LIVING WORDS" for more On this amazing city/burg!

As I was thinking and planning ,  my ever " faithful music" was playing!  Many songs grabbed my heart, of course and set me in a space of contact with my Heavenly Father,  my friend,  my confidant and more!  The last song was  "SMILE",  by Nat King Cole.   As the ends of my mouth started to turn up,   I noticed/observed for the very first time  ....  how my entire body started/appreciating the transformation.   I guess I have smiled a million/zillion times before,  but "THIS TIME",   I could tell how "Healing"   "smiling"   really is as I witnessed the change in my BODY.    So,.. go for it, everyone,  keep on "smiling"   "IS"   actually  "good-for-you!."...................:)

oh yeah !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................:),,,,  https://www/,  Google+


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