Sunday, April 19, 2015

"CLARITY", sister to Perspective.......:)

Move over Lily,  today RIP is on board, ......:)   Welcome RIP.,_  RIP is my friend too.   I named him RIP because it stands for. Rip Van Wrinkle ,  a Sharpee'.....:)   See his wrinkly forehead.

by Kat (Mary) Carlson_ author/publisher

Once in a while a reread my blogs.  This morning I just finished reading a few.  The one on "PERSPECTIVE" brought to mind that so very often,  ( while my brain is healing),  I need to ask for "CLARITY".    Sometimes I get confused about what the message is and I know if it isn't said in LOVE,   I hold out until I "hear" LOVE or FREEDOM.    Actually it is close to the same as my blog on PRESPECTIVE.     But words , (semantics),  are different for different people,  so it helps if things are explained again only using another word in it's place.

I'm a little excited today because I have prepared a little neighborhood YARD SALE.  So at 2:00 a.m.,  I went outside in the dark and put up signs.  I turned on the garden hose for putting some water in a bucket and wouldn't you know,  it had a HUGE leak ( I got wet)  and the bucket ended up having a huge leak too.  I was amused.....tee hee !

But the task is done  ( SIGNS are in place)  and soon after breakfast,  I will be ready to sit for about 2 hours (only),  and help "plenty of buyers"  with all kinds of goods.  May your day be a pleasant one,  folks.  

HAPPY SUNDAY........all day

P.S.  Anyone following BASEBALL these days ? 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................:) 

Kat Carlson,, (WordPress),,  Google+

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