Tuesday, April 21, 2015

HUNGRY....anyone ?

Red Robin....Van Nuys,  CA ,  a special day with Mom , Dad  & Thomas, my brother ( one of them) at a valued eatery,

This picture was obviously taken,  LONG AGO. ( 25 yrs to be exact)   * Note,  the hair, it is not white.......:)

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson_author/publisher

My inspiration for this article was several nights ago, when I was served chicken  (again) in the dining room,  Leisure Vale, Glendale,CA.  I turned it down and left for my room,  knowing I could fix something that I felt I would like better and so forth.  So, I took out of my refrigerator,  fresh mushrooms,  kale, yellow squash,  zuchini squash, canned water chestnuts,  bean sprouts and started to prepare a meal to my liking.  ( I DO THIS ALL THE TIME)  and usually in the evening.  One of my major fixin's is homemade soup.....a variety of bean types.   mmmmmmmm !  

In addition to the above ingredients for this particular meal,  I put in ( for flavor),  a little leek soup mix, ,  soy sauce,  a little "I can't-believe-it's-not-butter", real olive juice from a "real green olive" jar ( omitting the olives..:),  cooked the whole creation in my microwave for about 10 minutes.  The results
were "very enjoyable".  I made plenty for left-overs.  Later meals,  I added some brown rice, and more soy sauce.   I can't get enough cooking and cooking tasty,  healthy meals !   This kind of meal does SAVE.. on the budget as well as the heart.....:)    Folks, our "arteries" need LOVE,  too.  So unplug them and enjoy yourself at the same time. !    "IT'S A GOOD THING"
 Move over Martha Stewart......................:)  More on this topic coming up !!

Eating well is something I place high on my list of How-to-really " ENJOY MY LIFE".!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................:)

http://lilymakesmesmile.com,  http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://chooseurwords.com
Word Press Archives_ 10/14 - 1/15.  http://www.blogger.com/

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