Monday, April 27, 2015


It's because of this little kitty..."Lily" that I got started in my real life & writing these happy blogs ..."happy" for me.  And of course, its entitled lily makes me "smile"....& does she ever?

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson

This a.m. & very, very early on.....I began to plan on my "MOVE" to Ojai, California this Friday,  May day !.....yep, that was one of my favorite days in grade school ( Fairview..(Richmond, Indiana)
We danced the May Pole dance and it was "fantastic"...oh what a good memory.!   I can still see & feel the excitement.  The paper mache'  "streamers" were exquisitely colorful,   so many beautiful colors woven around the May pole by each of us who participated.   Now, we got to really dress up in beautiful pastel colored skirts and white peasant blouses.  It's entirely possible that one of you followers experienced the same kind of childhood experience and are grateful to this day.  I know I am.!!

So, back to my MOVE again, to another place of extremely happy memories.  Ojai, is a place you "HAVE" to experience.*  See my blog "LIVING WORDS" for more On this amazing city/burg!

As I was thinking and planning ,  my ever " faithful music" was playing!  Many songs grabbed my heart, of course and set me in a space of contact with my Heavenly Father,  my friend,  my confidant and more!  The last song was  "SMILE",  by Nat King Cole.   As the ends of my mouth started to turn up,   I noticed/observed for the very first time  ....  how my entire body started/appreciating the transformation.   I guess I have smiled a million/zillion times before,  but "THIS TIME",   I could tell how "Healing"   "smiling"   really is as I witnessed the change in my BODY.    So,.. go for it, everyone,  keep on "smiling"   "IS"   actually  "good-for-you!."...................:)

oh yeah !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................:),,,,  https://www/,  Google+


Sunday, April 26, 2015


Yep,....Lily "IS" a feature image for this blog ........:)

by:_Kat ( Mary ) Carlson....* author/publisher

I have become intimately "aware" that organizations,  institutions,  businesses, * government agencies
policy makers,  everywhere do NOT "have it together."    Most,  at best,  "go to work",  "fill out the necessary paper work",  follow rules (guidelines) set up by other people who go to work,  do the necessary paper
work,  file " & " follow rules ( guidelines) set up by "AGAIN,"_ "other people who"....and so on down the line.  If you follow the  NEWS,  POLITICS, and all the inner workings of our "WORLD'S SYSTEM", ( including HEALTH CARE AGENCIES....YIKES! )
you have already discovered,  " NO ONE'S MINDING THE STORE", other words,  NOTHING actually gets to the point where important issues get "CHANGED",  at least not for the better for the "GREATER" good!   Not to the point of "putting-an-END",  ( period ) at the end of the sentence!  For
THAT "matter",  what exactly "IS" _ "THE GREATER GOOD" ??......
The  "POWER"  to affect that particular kind of change isn't within them.  So chaos and disorder, covering up and FEAR   .."rules"... to the point that more of the same ensues.   It's a "PITY",  folks !
"LAW"  begets more  "LAW"   and so for and so forth.   On and on it goes and _ WHERE/ WHEN " WILL"_ it stop ?   " ORDER"......IS there ANY ?   (Other than more of the same?)   NO,  I don't believe our world system " HAS"  the  "ANSWER"  folks,  do you?   But _ we "DO"  have more "CONFUSION"  ,  right ?

MOST of us thinking FOLKS  have/are  learning to "TRUST"  "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" !    It's "mighty _  powerful  " FORCE"  capable of handling  " ALL "   that we need in this world !

( _ A Wink & a Smile _ )................................:)

Kat (Mary) Carlson,,  (all in ..Archives _ 10/14 - 1/15) ,  Google+
Facebook,  Twitter

Thursday, April 23, 2015



See the "LION" in the belongs to POLITA BARNES,.... everybody,  &... didn't the lion  "NOT HAVE a HEART",  in WIZARD OF OZ.........or maybe he did & just hadn't discovered it yet !!!  Maybe there  IS  HOPE !

by Kat Carlson_author/publisher

Guess what.....another chapter in my life coming up.  So much to do in so little time !  However will I manage ?  However, this article/blog is devoted to living in these so called "Assisted" (?) Living communities.  In 2004,  I moved to Glendale, CA and became a part of Casa Glendale Assisted Living family & lived & played there for 7 yrs.  I established a host of friends,  including staff.  ( Still friends to this day, 4/15). I soon became enormously active.  Loved my friends (especially at meal time) and all activities  Bingo was  led by a well loved couple Ken & Zelda !  Later, I became caller of BINGO for three years and traveled by wheelchair upstairs to the game room every night at 6:00 right after dinner in order to do so. 

Why I am leaving these facilities is on the minds are wonderful friends everywhere....(that's a gift I get to take with me....great supportive friends....:)_  )  I do have FOND memories of people who will be supportive for life.  Many friends/staff from Casa Glendale ( 7 yrs.) still email and call me.  I go visit them as well ! I get to join them in Kareoke from time to time !  FUN!.....:)

So ,"all in all" these facilities have been valuable and I give thanks for years of love & happiness. 

In coming blogs/posts I will address this operation and attempt to clear up what makes certain personnel & owners..  behave the way they do !  "WHAT IS ADVERTISED IS NOT AT ALL WHAT YOU GET ! " _ It's  smoke & mirrors, folks " !_

  13 years with them gives me perspective.   Buyer Beware !  Fortunately,  I cut-my-teeth (so-to-speak) in these places so I'm the  "lucky one......" !

Still a believer in  "real LIFE," no matter where you live. !
 (_A Wink & a Smile_).................................................:), http://lilymakesmesmile,, (Archives..WordPress 10/14- 1/15 ),

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

HUNGRY....anyone ?

Red Robin....Van Nuys,  CA ,  a special day with Mom , Dad  & Thomas, my brother ( one of them) at a valued eatery,

This picture was obviously taken,  LONG AGO. ( 25 yrs to be exact)   * Note,  the hair, it is not white.......:)

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson_author/publisher

My inspiration for this article was several nights ago, when I was served chicken  (again) in the dining room,  Leisure Vale, Glendale,CA.  I turned it down and left for my room,  knowing I could fix something that I felt I would like better and so forth.  So, I took out of my refrigerator,  fresh mushrooms,  kale, yellow squash,  zuchini squash, canned water chestnuts,  bean sprouts and started to prepare a meal to my liking.  ( I DO THIS ALL THE TIME)  and usually in the evening.  One of my major fixin's is homemade soup.....a variety of bean types.   mmmmmmmm !  

In addition to the above ingredients for this particular meal,  I put in ( for flavor),  a little leek soup mix, ,  soy sauce,  a little "I can't-believe-it's-not-butter", real olive juice from a "real green olive" jar ( omitting the olives..:),  cooked the whole creation in my microwave for about 10 minutes.  The results
were "very enjoyable".  I made plenty for left-overs.  Later meals,  I added some brown rice, and more soy sauce.   I can't get enough cooking and cooking tasty,  healthy meals !   This kind of meal does SAVE.. on the budget as well as the heart.....:)    Folks, our "arteries" need LOVE,  too.  So unplug them and enjoy yourself at the same time. !    "IT'S A GOOD THING"
 Move over Martha Stewart......................:)  More on this topic coming up !!

Eating well is something I place high on my list of How-to-really " ENJOY MY LIFE".!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................:),,
Word Press Archives_ 10/14 - 1/15.

Monday, April 20, 2015

PEACE.....that passes understanding

Yep,.....I think Lily looks pretty PEACEFUL...don't you?  

By: Kat ( Mary) Carlson

As some of you know,  I am in the throws of going head-to-head with some organizations with power and authority,  battling for my own rights as a individual agent,  seekng protection from these so-called
agencies,  appointed by our system/government !   Well,  this particular night,  I awoke (having slept well for many hours), still,  found inside a battle of my own.. ( that's where it always is anyway)!

Restless, back up against the wall,  tormented,  muscles fitfull, tight, straining !  I first listened to my CLOCK,  * read "TICK TOCK" blog published (                    ). let go a little, decided on taking
my usual POWER SHOWER,  helpng a lot,  then I decided to go to the front lobby (night receptionist for a back rub....:) * thanks my friend,  then back to my room, put on music Barbra Streisand (Duets),  ( another good idea),  snacked on blueberries,  ( I eat them like peanuts...just pop them in my mouth),  re-arranged my pillows, sat back and "rested".......then came this happy friend of mine  "PEACE",  with that event,  of course I cried and cried tears of joy and thankfulness for it's glorious PRESENCE!

It was then that could put almost everything that is going on in my LIFE in PERSPECTIVE along with this compelling thought.  For a VERY long time I have enjoyed the presence of  PEACE,  it's very own self....yes, PEACE IS,  it is my "VERY BEST FRIEND",  forever & always.  In all times, and especially in times of trouble,  PEACE avails itself to me and offers a hand up,.... "I accept"..  & I am saturated by it..  ( Peace,  the kind  that passes understanding.)...the only "real"  PEACE there is !! 

So, I am passing on  this message to you,  just to hopefully find you engaging in peaceful co-existence
"INSIDE" where all of our LIVES originate.  I LOVE IT,  really never ever realized it WAS what it was....REAL,  POWERFUL,  SUBSTANTIAL.... me !!  

ALWAYS remember to be "REAL",  it's the BEST !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_) .................................:)

Kat Carlson _author,,
( Word Press) Archives 2014- 2015 ,,  Google+

Sunday, April 19, 2015

"CLARITY", sister to Perspective.......:)

Move over Lily,  today RIP is on board, ......:)   Welcome RIP.,_  RIP is my friend too.   I named him RIP because it stands for. Rip Van Wrinkle ,  a Sharpee'.....:)   See his wrinkly forehead.

by Kat (Mary) Carlson_ author/publisher

Once in a while a reread my blogs.  This morning I just finished reading a few.  The one on "PERSPECTIVE" brought to mind that so very often,  ( while my brain is healing),  I need to ask for "CLARITY".    Sometimes I get confused about what the message is and I know if it isn't said in LOVE,   I hold out until I "hear" LOVE or FREEDOM.    Actually it is close to the same as my blog on PRESPECTIVE.     But words , (semantics),  are different for different people,  so it helps if things are explained again only using another word in it's place.

I'm a little excited today because I have prepared a little neighborhood YARD SALE.  So at 2:00 a.m.,  I went outside in the dark and put up signs.  I turned on the garden hose for putting some water in a bucket and wouldn't you know,  it had a HUGE leak ( I got wet)  and the bucket ended up having a huge leak too.  I was amused.....tee hee !

But the task is done  ( SIGNS are in place)  and soon after breakfast,  I will be ready to sit for about 2 hours (only),  and help "plenty of buyers"  with all kinds of goods.  May your day be a pleasant one,  folks.  

HAPPY SUNDAY........all day

P.S.  Anyone following BASEBALL these days ? 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................:) 

Kat Carlson,, (WordPress),,  Google+

Saturday, April 18, 2015

SORRY,....NOT AVAILABLE.....please call......


OUR VERY OWN LILY is searching...............:)
KNOW WHAT,  EVERYONE ?  You won't guess what I discovered this 

morning,  YEP,  it's TRUE,  I called GOD'S OFFICE, & couldn't get through,  that's right ! The recording said, "If this is an " EMERGENCY"  you can call.....800-800-800 and SOMEONE THERE WILL BE ABLE TO HELP YOU !!   Seems also that this very same office (GOD'S) is referring me to another agency to complete the task at hand !   EVER HEAR OF "PASSING-THE-BUCK ?It IS in  VOGUE.........yes, indeed it is,....EVERYWHERE !!

NOW, with our very own GOD  following suit,  what on EARTH, will we DO  ?

Can't blame us,  every time we turn around, either our computer is (not responding) or down,  "can I put you on hold ( never waiting to find out if you want them to or not )"...or  "SORRY,  we'll be back in the office next business day)"  or   "I can't take your call, please leave a message"   or  ( better yet ),  ( "listen to the menu,  press #1 if,  & so on & so on "),....(can I talk to a human ?) .or there's always this, .. " I PRAYED  "A LOT" THIS WEEK FOR "SO  & SO"  ( more on this in another BLOG)
.....I just think we humans are getting a bad rap!!! 


STILL, a VERY satisfied customer !!  

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)...................:) 

Thursday, April 16, 2015


                        Me first this time....later a picture of Sweet Lily......the reason is this:

After a somewhat adventurous day traveling to Burbank, CA Rehab Center- visiting a friend!   I went by bus for the first time ever, that far away from my home in Glendale, CA _  (remind me to NOT do that again! )......back at home 6 1/2 hrs. later,  I fell fast asleep at 5:30p.m  ( my dinner time)_ (exhausted) and slept quite well awaking around 8:30 p.m.   Played some music,  "Kenny Rogers",   this time ,  caught up on email,  poured a fresh cup of coffee,  turned out the lights   (except for my mood lights)   and thought about my grueling day with moody bus drivers and my visit at a Burbank rehab !  Oh my,  sooooo  "many" sick people!

Nurses,  therapists,  doctors,  wheelchairs,  walkers,  stroke patients ( whimpering in silent despair ),
I dare say,  it was an eye opener.....and difficult to witness from my head and my heart.  Dedicated people serving others who will someday need that kind of attention/care themselves...and on it goes.

But I digress,  in the quietness ( oh yes, love the quietness),  I looked within for some answers of my own of a personal nature.  Hey,  I got some,  "answers" , that is !   Oh WOW !..  From WAY deep within,   came the "horrifying,"   but "accurate"  awareness that  "I"  caused my "own" pain originally,  long ago !   Along with this "knowledge" was the tears as well as the understanding  "LOVE" to heal and set straight my new-found awareness!   The awareness was  "I DID NOT"  know that I had done it,  and was immediately sorry and asked myself for forgiveness.  A moment that heals & frees me- to- be "ME" as I was meant to be,  all along.   So,... with this, ... I discovered the astounding fact,  when you accept the "blame" for your life's sorrow,  along with that ,.... you  "gain the freedom to accept credit"   for all that you have done and achieved in your life !!    It' s "BEAUTIFUL" thing !!!!!

KNOWING & experiencing,  personally,  "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE",  allowed ME to make this MOVE on my "chessboard" of LIFE !

"Thank you Lily for helping me feel the LOVE and spunk , sweetness and wit and cleverness, and mischievousness that you possess!"

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson,,, ( Word Press ), ( Archives)  Google+

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................:)


See my demure am I !  Innocence, ah but of course !

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson

DO you "have" FAITH ?  Hmmmmmm,  let's see if I can put this in a clear light as I recently
discovered.  FAITH  as well as  PEACE  &  REST,  PATIENCE,  TRUST,  they all are FORCES
powers that be,  all complete within themselves.  Since they do exist as such,   they cannot be "HAD".
They are "bigger" than  "LIFE"  itself or are indeed  "LIFE " itself,  ....   all rolled into ONE.

Again it ( they) stand all by themselves.    FAITH,  PEACE,  REST,  LOVE,  they make themselves known constantly.  LIFE'S  gifts to us are these.  You & I can rely on TRUST for instance,  it never let's us down,  because it always IS !  It's all powerful and never changes.   I can "access" ( not possess)  that power knowing how it (trust) works.   It's dependable !   So, believe it.......TRUST exists always will,  always.   Let it's character itself help you out,  we all need it.   I do,  everyday in every way.    "I CAN'T FEEL IT,  but I know it and therefore can move outside the realm of negativity,   based on the fact alone that somethings  ( faith,  trust,  love, peace, rest, patience)  will " NEVER"  let us down.

I can trust that FAITH is a substance, for instance,  and let FAITH go to work for me.   That's it's job.
Put it to work for you!  I depend on it.

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)....................................:)

Today's topic has indeed moved mountains for me.  I am a new creature!


I SUPPORT LIFE: TICK TOCK: LILY,  oh yea,  that's her !  This time she has definitely spied something  of interest by: Kat (Mary) Carlson Sl...


LILY,  oh yea,  that's her !  This time she has definitely spied something of interest

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson

Sleeping pills ?  You know,  I have them on hand but,  I do prefer to not take them,  simply because when I do awake,  my body feels like it hasn't rested well.  So,  I recently discovered this valuable tip.. Valuable to me.  And so reminiscent of my past.  A "WARM FUZZY". if you will.  This new discovery reminds me of my FABULOUS Grandmother Russell.  I have a wind up clock,  I use in my bathroom to time my heavy-duty showers.  One night I had undergone "healing "....something hard and particularly heart-wrenching.  What came to my rescue that night was a picture and sound of a ticking clock.  I got up,  went to my bathroom and brought my wind-up clock to bed,  and "get this"
laid it on my CHEST !    I felt a "closeness to my sweet grandmother" and the "comfort /heartbeat of someone who cared about me!   I slept wonderfully that night.

You probably heard of those who place their babies infant seats on a dryer to lull them to sleep or comfort them somehow.  Same prinicipal as the ticking clock for me,  a grown-up.   BUT it works and I still use it occasionally,  simply because,  "hey,  whatever works,  huh?"

Me,  "rested" and grateful !

I am thankful that these kinds of tricks in life just keep popping up and make my life a blessing,  first of all to me and then of course I will and can pass it on with hope that it may help someone. NATURAL is BEST!   It's free! 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................:)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I SUPPORT LIFE: "PERSPECTIVE": Doesn't Lily just say good morning or good day in a sweet, mellow, yet,  mischievous way !     Oh,  I see,   or,   May I see that again ?                       ...


Doesn't Lily just say good morning or good day in a sweet, mellow, yet,  mischievous way !

BY: author/publisher _ Kat Carlson

Throughout my life, I am constantly "seeing" things one way one time and then seeing the same exact situation in a different light.  Now I am taking the approach to ask to see if there is another way to see.
By and large,  there is.  I like getting clarity on how to look,  how to interpret,  and am amazed that it
becomes a better,  more positive view.  This practice opens up doors,  creates life,  increases health,
increases income !  "THAT'S" not to shabby,  huh?

I think the key is to have an awareness of "how you think",  in fact seeing your thoughts instead of having them keep going over & over in your head and never ever having a clue.  It may be we haven't achieved that kind of objectivity !  When that happens to us,  we become masters of our own fate.

So, this day,  if you want to know and aren't yet able to view your own thoughts from a distance, it's a good thing to ask for this.  Our lives become richer and definitely more fulfilling.  Our health changes,
our relationships change for the better.  On the whole,  you become happier,  more  "IN CONTROL".

So onward and upward, is moving ahead and we "CAN " keep up and achieve our BEST SELVES.

 I dare say, that even those so called "authorities" in our lives may not be aware of these things too.  Authorities like our  Doctors,  Administrators, Teachers,  Heads of whatever.  !  


(_A WINK & A SMILE_)......................:)

Kat Carlson: author/publisher ,,,  Archives: ( August 2014 - January 2015 )

"I'm Strong I'm Sure,  I'm in Control,  a Lady with a Plan," sung by _ Anne Murray

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Lily,  a best friend to both me and her mama, Patricia L. Fry 

Welcome aboard friends to and

by: Kat Carlson: author/publisher

Busy this time of the year,  April 15 th,  yep fill in those forms for IRS,  folks!

Lily, my sweetness,  just simply inspires me & opens up the brain and creativity inside me.  I love the privilege of using her image !  A little music in the background helps too.  ( Momentarily,  it's Barry White " singing, "Your My Greatest Inspiration" !  My "soul" brothers have brought my "realness" into existence!  Thank you,  Barry White,  Al Green,  Johnny Taylor,  Otis Redding,  Marvin Robinson,
Lou Rawls and so many more great singers out there.  MUSIC,  wonder-full  MUSIC !  I cherish it and enjoy the range of music for all people everywhere.  Classical,  Pop,  R & B,  Love Songs,  Ballads, this medium affords us an avenue for life & also emotional well being !

Months ago I spoke about "ENDORPHINS" for our bodies to experience "pleasure"....our HYPOTHALAMUS  responds gratefully to endorphins!  Music provides this area of our brains with
properties to ensure growth!  So much in our natural world is neglected as something that promotes LIFE and LOVE.  Can you or I "really" live without these things ?  It cuts way back on depression !
Depression__ a household name & malady today !  But I hope we as a nation can create other avenues for treating this disease.  Medications do not work !

Turn on the music,  people,  do whatever you can to live naturally!  RIGHT ?

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................:)

Thursday, April 9, 2015


She's a LOVE, my Lily, too cute !
Since this site is new.....I decided to feature a new picture of me ( a selfie) in my home in Glendale, CA   

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson

Ah food ! The industry does a H-U-G-E business,  I dare say !  The markets are busy stocking every kind of food available.  I personally like the produce department.  My favorites are blueberries,  bananas,  squash, ( yellows & greens),  mushrooms ( excellent nutrition),  avocados !  In other aisles,
I pick up beans to cook.  Black-eyed peas,  lentils,  black beans, & some pastas. I will add here that when you serve beans, take care to consume something along the lines of tortillas, or rice.  The addition of these carbs,  produce what your body needs to make a complete protein breakdown in your body when serving beans.  I also keep salsa on hand to add to a variety of things.  Cheese is something I buy occasionally.

In 2011,  I decided to go on a diet and lose weight,  because I was 50 lbs overweight.  I was not at all happy with certain bulges around the middle.  Living in an Assisted Living facility I had to be creative.
I did it !  I lost those 50 lbs in less than 10 months,  very slowly,  I was NOT in any hurry and was successful, being care-ful to let myself be patient and not place unnecessary demands on me,  like I didn't even know from the beginning, how much I wanted to lose or how long it would be.   Just didn't care,  but trusted myself to do it!  4 years later, those 50 lbs have stayed off ,  happy to say!   ( If anyone wants a copy of the diet I published in AARP,  it is available.) ( it's called EASY DIETING & SENIOR LIVING) can reach me by email. But I digress., one of the helpful things about being healthy is not clogging up my arteries with meats,  occasionally I eat chicken & fish!  But I think eating the FRESHEST FOODS are always the BEST.  Keep juices, natural ( not too many others- lots of sugar) and water always down the hatch!

Maybe you want to cut down on calories and also need to "improve your health",  get into the habit of
visiting produce stands, and preparing foods that really are better and cheaper as well.  FRESH IS BEST !!!   I will feature more blogs on along these lines and include snacks that I enjoy,  also soups I make and serve friends.

Thank you everyone !    

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................:),,  Wordpress..
archives August 2014 - January  2015 & Facebook & Twitter


I SUPPORT LIFE: MY FORGOTTEN FRIEND: Sweet Lily again , this time,  catching up on her reading.....:) by: Kat Carlson: author/publisher In my shower ye...

Sunday, April 5, 2015



First of all this morning,  ah yes,  it's "EASTER",  a beautiful morning here in Glendale CA,  well,  so far.
I wake up "early" it's 1:30 a. m. right now.   At the dining table my friends say I'm crazy for getting up sometimes even before the birds.  I explain to them,  ah,  but I go to sleep at around 6:00 p.m.,  shortly after dinner. 

This blog/post is meant for thank you's.  In the recent months I have been writing on google+ URL : _ just bits & pieces and have been keeping up with my skills and enjoying having my thoughts put on "paper"....:)  So a big " thank you"  to them.  

Next a "thank you" to my followers and readers for looking up past blogs in the archives. There August 2014-January 2015 are these domains URL_,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com_ with numerous topics like "PREENING,"  ( a habit/practice from birth,  from our furry animal friends,   keeping " TOUCH"  in mind to prepare them for the real world)  and I have found extremely important to my well being,   more information regarding  "AUTHORIZATION"  in our own lives,  you may find this post helpful in your everyday existence regarding record keeping and not letting money matters,  business relationships,  etc. get out-of-hand,  other posts pertain to "SPIRITUALITY",  this is my favorite topic and you will find this has this biggest affect on me,   but they all tie in together....."HONEST" love & marriage (type of thing).  So  "THANKS"  again for staying in there, &  perhaps finding something new and something interesting pertaining to  LIFE,  real  LIFE_ it's newness and definitely not "business- as- usual".    Read more about  PEACE   &   REST  &  HAPPINESS   &  HEALTH  in the coming months here on blogger  "I SUPPORT LIFE"  &  "LIVING WORDS"  !  My new handle is

(_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................:)

by: Kat Carlson author/publisher

HAPPY EASTER......"happy EASTER-egg hunting!!!

Friday, April 3, 2015

My Days of "PEACE & HAPPINESS" in Vogue

                                      Once again gracing my posts/blogs is this sweet feline...
                                      Miss "Lily" herself_ "Precious kitty full of Life & Vitality"

                                            My Days of Peace & Happiness in Vogue

by Kat Carlson_ author/publisher for over 600 blogs/posts

Long gruesome days in the recent past months found me going head-to-head with the powers that be.
I found myself in the midst of a fear ridden world and also find it still thriving in agencies that proport
to be protecting our rights as citizens and also as residents of facilities ( Assisted Living, etc. ) designed to "HELP" us in our "time-of-need" ___OUR TWILIGHT YEARS!   People who are employed by our government in these agencies have no power in themselves & "cannot"  protect & serve "US".  The fantastic thing that saved me is "my  "peace & rest" within.  Having been tested and seeing me through ( and I DO mean "THROUGH" from having to supply anything myself above & apart from "resting" ) !  Mountains have been moved,  my own Life & Body & Soul having been recreated ( including the rebuilding of my spine, muscles, ligaments, nerve cells)!  The situation with these agencies designed to " protect & serve " are still pending and by and large will continue their
fraudulent reign ( Caring is our Main Concern) in the coming years and centuries because precious few will challenge them) !!  When you read this post/blog I hope you can "SEE" for yourselves where you are headed with your future and when you end up in one of these facilities for your "rest" let it be complete "REST" from within.

Chances are that with this kind of POWER inside you,  you may not have to enter one of these establishments.

( _A Wink & a Smile_)...................................:)